Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A sense of calm has come about inside of me. I have completed both of my presentations and made it out alive! The first, required me to take my classmates through an agility workout as if I was their coach and they were my tennis team. I have experience in telling others what to do  ;-) but sport specific agilities are very new to me. I was the first up. Nervous but refused to show it. I may have also over prepared (since the prof asked me to wrap it up). Either way, I doubt I failed. That evening there were 5 presentations total. Needless to say, I could barely pick up my legs to walk to my car after all those drills!

I was saved by the bell for the second presentation. It was a group presentation and as the only graduate student in the group I was expected to be the "leader". We were the third and final group of the morning and time was catching up. We were given 10 minutes to do a 20 min presentation. My forte: being short with words! I introduced the group, our topic, got through the first 4 slides, let them take over and had time for 1 question. I believe my face was bright red the entire time but I spoke clearly so I won't complain. We did good...

Now I can just sit and read for then next week and a half...what was I so nervous for anyway?

Workout for the morning:
Skill: Jerk (practice stabilizing over head and increasing velocity)
WOD: 12-9-6-3
 KB swings (44lbs)
Chest to bar pull ups
anchored sit ups

my time: 5:55

Physically feeling strong but looking to lose a couple of lbs.

PS-Done with finals (and grad school year #1) on MAY 3rd!

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