Monday, May 21, 2012

Motivation: Yesterday you said tomorrow.

OK so my last post was me sort of venting. On a rant (Thank you for listening!!). But I have not stopped thinking about the subject matter. It genuinely makes me angry, as an exercise physiology major, a trainer, a CrossFitter, a woman. Its makes me angry to see this nation so fat, so uneducated, so unmotivated. Do overweight people not get tired of feeling awful? Do parents with overweight children not see what is happening to them? How can people just SIT all day? How can people eat so terribly and be OK with it? How can Americans feed Americans TOXIC foods? Then it dawned on unaware and uneducated as "they are", so am I.

The psychology of nutrition and obesity are fields I have never had to cross. I have no idea why it is so hard be motivated to exercise or eat well. I tend to be intrinsically motivated so it comes natural to me to just do these things. If I am unhappy about something, I just act and expect others to do the same. In fact, if I go more than 2 days with out exercise I find myself moody, angry, terribly frustrated,  and feeling guilty. My heart craves to work and my muscles look different...softer. So I travel as fast as I can to the nearest gym or I make my own workout using whatever space is available to me. And I proceed to enjoy moving, sweating, breathing hard and working to accomplish the initial goal that I always set before I begin any workout. When I am done, I thank God for the ability to do all the things I just did because at any moment it could be taken away from me. Why doesn't everyone enjoy using the amazing body they were given?

I think part of my journey to figuring out what I am going to do with this degree, with my life includes learning about motivation. Particularly those with eating disorders and/or who require external motivation.  My career may depend on it, and if I do a really good job educating myself, I could help many many people. Don't get me wrong-I don't intend on sugar coating or petting people through any workout or consultation but I will have more carefully planned strategies.

If anyone reading this is overweight and has tried to lose weight multiple time with no success I would love to hear from you. I would love to learn about your struggles and how a trainer could play a positive role for you. I'd love to interview you! In the meantime, back to the library I go to search for literature that can help me arrive at my own conclusions about this subject and what I can do to make a difference and improve my skills as a trainer with this population.

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My Workout for the day: Coach Nadia at Soul KICKED MY A**

Weightlifting: Deadlift test day 1 RM: 205lbs (new PR!!)

WOD: 3 x 3 sets

2 Front Squat (95lbs)
10 KB swing (53lbs) <---new PR!!
1 rope climb
2 min rest

***I was too tired to look up at the clock but it was somewhere around around 23 min

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