Sunday, June 3, 2012

A possible solution: Communication=Motivation

Motivation depends on CLEAR objectives, right? If I can ALIGN my objectives to an individuals personal drive, using the most effective communication possible then the power of motivation shall be unleashed! Yes?! However, I haven't exactly been sitting at the library researching motivation. I stumbled across something better. Something a little less traditional but so far, very effective at helping me understand people, how they learn and what motivates them. I am learning communication styles and how they learn based on body language, visual clues, and vocabulary.

My best friend is a licensed NLP (neural language programmer) and Life & Career Coach. She is teaching me about my personal communication style, what motivates me and then about others. Once I learn how to read others' learning and communication style, I can change my language and my strategies to suit theirs. She is a genius! And let's not forget I have to have a goal-apply these skills to a client categorized as obese by June 23 (my 29th Birthday).

The results of my communication style: I am auditory and auditory digital. That means I talk to myself often and am easily distracted by noise. I learn by listening, enjoy music and prefer talking on the phone rather than texting. You may notice I breathe mostly through my belly and may move my eyes sideways when conversing. I memorize by utilizing steps, procedures, and sequences. I like to be TOLD how I'm doing and I can be sensitive to someone's TONE of voice or certain word choices. I want to know that if something "makes sense" to you. <---Useful info right?!

Next step is to gather specific information about my clients.  Once I learn how they learn, I can use their language to optimize my communication about their goals. I can also apply this new knowledge during training sessions and conversations and tailor meal plans and emails to a format that grabs their attention. Does this make sense? ;-) Yay!! I see a light at the end of the tunnel of confusing communication!

My Workout this morning:

1 mile run

Dumbbell push jerks 3-3-3-3
3 Rounds
30 Over head walking lunges (25lbs)
15 box jumps
30 V-ups

Thorough stretch ( hamstrings, glutes, QL, lats, biceps, triceps) and 50 back extensions.

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