Monday, May 14, 2012

Walking is not exercise.

Can someone please tell America that WALKING IS NOT EXERCISE. Walking is simply moving your body. For some populations (i.e, morbidly obese that can not leave their home anymore or the terribly crippled) walking can elevate the heart rate but for the most part WALKING = MOVING IN A NATURAL FASHION. The body was made to walk all day and not sit all day. Damn that felt good to say.

I talk to so many people that say things like, "Oh I did exercise today. I walked around the block with the dog when I got home." or "Yea Im working out now. I got on the treadmill and walked for 30 minutes at the gym today." Really? Think about that.

OK, OK so I'd say the #1 reason people don't exercise is HABIT. Exercising is not a habit so when they go about planning their day, their week, weekends, fitting in a workout doesn't even occur to them. Week after week, month after month, you get older, weaker, a little heavier, maybe wider, get where I'm going.

The #2 reason I would say people don't exercise is pure LAZINESS. People want to be comfortable. They want a pill that makes pain just disappear, pills that melt fat away. But how does that even sound realistic? If health is the greatest wealth (and it is) what makes anyone think that it would come so easily? A pill? Really?  I don't even think Jesus would agree with that.

HEALTH TAKES HARD WORK. Working out is hard. You will be uncomfortable. It will probably cross your mind to quit most of the time. Eating well takes some sacrifice, discipline and dedication. But doesn't that describe most of everything we do in life? So why cheat your on health? Ultimately, those that love you the most suffer from A LAZY PERSON'S MISTAKES. (That's if you're a lazy person, of course. If you are not lazy, please disregard that last statement.)

Everyone can benefit from exercise. Even if you have back problems, knee issues, cancer, scoliosis, arthritis, past surgeries, etc. YOU CAN AND SHOULD. If you need help in doing so, an EDUCATED TRAINER CAN HELP YOU. Next time you go for a 30 minute "walking workout" think about all the other things you could have been doing to keep your body functioning properly: push ups, sit ups, squats, dips. <---All you need for those are some space, a little time and maybe a chair/park bench.

And ladies, if you even think that you can't do a push up or any of the above mentioned calisthenics, remember: IF WE CAN GIVE BIRTH, WE CAN DO ANYTHING!!

My afternoon workout:

Box Squats: 5-5-5-5 (I just learned these so I didn't go heavy- 105lbs for me)

WOD (Thank you Soul for kicking my a** today)
12 min AMRAP- thruster ladder

1 Thruster (65lbs)
8 bar hopping burpees
24 Double unders

My score: 5 rounds + 4 thrusters

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